Where to stay
We already reserved a number of single and double rooms in the following hotels:
Pension Ani (single incl. breakfast 42€/night; double incl. breakfast 62€/night)
Hotel am Schottenpoint (single incl. breakfast 74€/night; double incl. breakfast 99€/night) - Please book via email (hotel@schottenpoint.at) or phone (+43 1 310 87 87) using the code KN_2015.
Since the number of rooms on offer is limited and the reservation is just temporary, we advise you to be quick. When booking please state your participation in the conference.
Other Hotels:
Hotel Atlanta: http://www.hotelatlanta.at
Hotel-Pension Bleckmann: http://www.hotelbleckmann.at/en/
Austria Trend Hotel Rathauspark: http://www.austria-trend.at/Hotel-Rathauspark/de/hotel.asp
Pension Residenz: http://www.residenz.cc/index.htm
Hotel Pension Adria: www.hotelpensionadria.com/about_de.html
Pension Baronesse: http://private-hotels.at/de/baronesse/#.VPW_t0J42mA
Pension Baron: http://private-hotels.at/de/baron/zimmer/#.VPXCHEJ42mA
Pension Schottentor (no own website but bookable via booking.com)
Hotel Goldener Bär: http://www.goldbearhotel.com/index.html
Pension Excellence: http://www.pension-excellence.com/index_en.htm
Hotel Wandl: https://www.hotel-wandl.com
Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-405-61